Pediatric Surgery

Understanding Cleft Palate

Newborn Baby

An estimated 7,000 babies in the United States are born with cleft palate, a birth defect that involves an opening (or “cleft”) in the roof of the mouth. Unfortunately, cleft palate can lead to several serious setbacks including those related to dentition, eating, drinking, speech and even hearing. The only treatment option is cleft palate  … Continue reading post Understanding Cleft Palate

FAQs on Infantile Hemangiomas

Mother kissing her sleeping newborn on its head.

Whether you call it a port wine stain, strawberry hemangioma or salmon patch, it is not uncommon for your child’s very visible birthmark to trigger concern. While infantile hemangiomas are considered the most common tumor of childhood (occurring in up to 10% of newborns), few parents have a full understanding about these vascular lesions that  … Continue reading post FAQs on Infantile Hemangiomas


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