Beverly Hills Nose Surgery

The nose is the most prominent feature on the face. Cosmetically speaking, it provides balance, while it’s functionality is of the utmost importance. Patients in the Beverly Hills area turn to Dr. Ben Talei, a dual board certified facial plastic surgeon at Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery for complex nose surgery procedures.

Dr. Talei offers a host of cutting-edge rhinoplasty procedures that can provide nominal changes to dramatic improvements in cosmetic appearance and functionality. These nose procedures include:

With rhinoplasty, there are two basic approaches to the surgery, open or closed. While the open approach uses small incisions across the nose, the closed approach is performed inside of the nose without any outside incision. Dr. Talei is part of a small group of surgeons nationwide who perform the majority of their rhinoplasties closed, as it provides patients a much faster healing time and no external incisions. He is also one of the only surgeons in the country to advance the field of 3-D telescopic nasal surgery and rhinoplasty. It provides high-definition visualization of areas in the nose that were previously difficult to access. What this means for the patient is less bruising, less swelling and faster recovery times.

Rhinoplasty of any kind is one of the more difficult types of plastic surgery. This is because of the prominence of the nose, the importance of the functionality and the delicate work that must be done. The nose is a 3-D structure which can be very sensitive to change. This is why it’s important to choose a highly skilled physician who has the technical ability to deal with a large variety of nose types. The physician also must have the ability to predict what the nose and face will look like 2 years following surgery as well.

Heading a referral center for revision rhinoplasty, Dr. Talei has also pioneered advanced techniques for nostril refinement and lightening. Commonly encountered in our center are harsh nasal characteristics remaining after rhinoplasty surgery that other surgeons failed to identify and treat. Dr. Talei has the unique ability to soften the nostril and nasal characteristics with invisible incisions, making the nose appear softer and more pleasant to the eye of the beholder.

Dr. Talei has unique expertise, making him one of the best surgeons in his profession. He has dual fellowship training in facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and vascular birthmarks and congenital anomalies with laser surgery. You can trust that your rhinoplasty will naturally reshape your nose and restore a harmonious balance to all the features of your face. This is also while maintaining a fully functional airway.

Contact the nose surgery specialists today at the Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery and set up your consultation. During that meeting, Dr. Talei will listen to your goals for the surgery in order to design the best plan of action. Your surgery will be unique because you are unique!


24/36/48 month payment schedules