MicroTox® Skin Tightening Injections

Those who fear a frozen look from traditional Botox® injections may be thrilled to hear of the more precise, even artistic MicroTox® skin tightening injections. Sometimes called “Baby Botox,” MicroTox is a non-invasive treatment that combines the skin tightening effects of Botox with a specialized injection pattern and smaller doses. Your MicroTox results are visible immediately, unlike with standard Botox treatments that take five to seven days to realize the full effect.

Like Botox neuromodulator injections, the benefits of MicroTox include:

  • Decreased pore size
  • Reduced crow’s feet
  • Slim and contoured nose
  • Slim jawline
  • Tightened skin around your eyes, and throughout your face and neck

No more crepey “turkey wattle” skin on your neck, no more enlarged pores or tell-tale wrinkles. And yet, patients will still enjoy the full range of movement for unrestricted facial expressions. The aesthetic treatment specialists at the Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery can determine if MicroTox or standard Botox injections are the best choice for your skincare goals.

Specialized Neuromodulator Injections to Combat Aging

Botox is a neuromodulator toxin that prevents nerve impulses from triggering muscle responses. MicroTox uses the same principle, except the injections use less Botox quantities and are placed in a more specific intricate pattern for precise application. Results are immediate and can last up to four months before touchup treatments are necessary.

Not just anyone possesses the necessary training and expertise to administer MicroTox injections. A special certification is required for this artistic, precise use of Botox. The specialists at the Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery are trained, equipped and certified for MicroTox treatments. Call or message us online today to schedule your MicroTox consultation.


24/36/48 month payment schedules