The Sun’s Powerful Role in Aging Skin

The warmth of the sun on your skin is certainly inviting, especially in the spring. Unfortunately, too much time in the sun comes at a cost. Not only are the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays the leading cause of skin cancer, but they can also largely contribute to premature skin aging such as wrinkles, sagging, age spots and more.
Do you have to stay indoors to keep your youth? Definitely not. The good news is that premature aging due to UV sun exposure is preventable. Taking some smart yet simple steps to protect your skin when you’re in the sun can help you avoid deadly skin cancers later in life as well as delay unwanted wrinkles!
How The Skin Gets Damaged From Sun
When UV rays from the sun hit your skin, it reacts with a natural chemical in your skin called melanin. Melanin is what your body produces to defend cellular damage from the sun. While each person may produce different amounts of melanin, this chemical works to absorb UV rays to shield your skin cells. Unfortunately, melanin is not unlimited. When UV exposure is greater than what melanin can defend, the skin cells become damaged or red and swollen (sunburn). Did you know that even just one sunburn as a child can more than double your risk for melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) later in life?
Repeated overexposure to harmful UV rays can sabotage your ability to preserve your youthful appearance. Sun damage is known to produce the following effects on the skin over time:
- Fine lines
- Wrinkles
- Age spots, freckles, and other discolorations
- Scaly red patches, called actinic keratosis, thought to be the beginnings of skin cancer
- Tough, leathery skin that feels and looks dry and rough
What You Can Do
Wearing a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher is recommended by The Skin Cancer Foundation to prevent skin damage. This includes applying sunscreen to all exposed surfaces of your skin and doing so daily – even on cloudy or chilly days! You can even find moisturizers and make-up with added sunscreen to make it easy. Lastly, don’t forget to reapply your sunscreen every two hours. If you prefer that sun-kissed look, consider a good bronzer or sunless tanning product.
Does your face already show signs of sun damage? Consider our facial rejuvenation treatments at Beverly Hills Center. Dr. Ben Talei uses the latest products and technologies to lessen the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. If you undergo a cosmetic procedure in our office, it is important to practice diligent sun protection habits going forward to protect your results and investment. Call today to learn more about the countless ways you can regain a youthful face at our Beverly Hills clinic.